
Tutti i soci interessati a diffondere l'annuncio di un evento sono invitati a contattarci.

Upcoming Events

We are very pleased to invite you to participate in the meeting “Biological Physics and Statistical Mechanics: from molecules to cells and beyond" which will be held in Naples, Italy, on 9-13/06/2025. For more information, please visit our website: https://indico.unina.it/event/91.

The meeting aims to bring together the Italian community that works at the frontier between Statistical Mechanics, Biological Physics, Molecular Biology and beyond.

Registration and submission of contributed talks are open (Abstract submission deadline: 31/3/2025; Registration deadline: 30/4/2025).

Best regards,

The organisers

Carla Bosia, Francesca Buffa, Chiara Cammarota, Andrea Maria Chiariello, Marco Cosentino Lagomarsino, Luca Dall'Asta, Andrea De Martino, Andrea Gamba, Enzo Marinari, Cristian Micheletti, Velia Minicozzi, Mario Nicodemi, Enzo Orlandini, Andrea Pagnani, Francesco Piazza, Federico Ricci Tersenghi, Silvia Scarpetta, Bernardo Spagnolo

Date: August 28th-30th, 2024

Location: Brixen, South Tyrol, Italy

We are delighted to announce the second edition of the Conference Condensed Matter Theory in Brixen (CMT@Brixen), building on the success of last year's event which attracted over 80 attendees, including a high percentage of PhD students. 

Objective: The conference aims to strengthen connections among various Italian and international groups engaged in condensed matter theory and statistical physics. It provides a platform for young students to interact with leading researchers in the field.

Format: The conference comprises five sections covering diverse aspects of condensed matter theory. Each section features a renowned keynote speaker, followed by four invited talks by experienced researchers and two contributed talks by young scientists. The best poster abstracts will be promoted to contributed talks.

Poster Session: An inclusive poster section welcomes participation from Master's students, PhD candidates, and other young researchers.

Conference Fee:

The fee covers all coffee breaks and dinners.

Accommodation: Limited double room accommodation (48 places) is available at Casa dello Studente, the conference venue. Booking details for this kind of accommodation will be provided soon on the conference website. Other accommodations available can be found on the conference website.

Special Event: On August 31st, 2024, a conference hiking trip will be organized for interested participants.

Registration: Subscriptions are now open. Please visit the conference website for further information.

Website: https://cmtconference.it/

Events sponsorized by SIFS

Data: 2-6 Settembre 2019

Link: https://mgds.lakecomoschool.org/ 

Past Events

Organizing Committee: Francesco Ginelli (Universita’ dell’Insubria, Como, Italy), Marco Gherardi (Universita’ di Milano, Italy), Guido Tiana (Universita’ di Milano, Italy), Sebastian Goldt (SISSA, Trieste, Italy)

Web: https://mediterraneanschoolcomplex.net/ 

Watch this short video of a past edition: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dR1apC8-HZY 

Since 2014, the school has trained nearly 350 young researchers in network science, with a highly interdisciplinary flavor. The goal of the school is to provide a theoretical background to students (Master, PhD) and young researchers in the field, with particular attention to current trends in Network Science; and to promote philosophical and scientific exchange between all participants, i.e., lecturers and attendants (including talks, debates, scientific group activities).

We will host lectures and focused seminars about the most recent advances on:

* Structure and dynamics of complex networks

* Robustness and resilience, from empirical biological systems to human-made systems

* Ecological systems, from micro to macro scales

* Biological systems, from interactomes to connectomes

* Network epidemiology

* Network science and machine learning

* Network inference


     Baruch Barzel  (Bar-Ilan University)

     Manlio De Domenico (University of Padua)

     Miguel Angel Muñoz (University of Granada)

Focused Seminars

     Sandro Azaele (University of Padua)

     Valeria D'Andrea (University of Padua)

     Clara Granell (Universitat Rovira i Virgili)

     Marco Grassia (University of Catania)

     Tiago Peixoto (Central European University)

Cocktail Night Talk

     Jacopo Grilli (ICTP)

Application and Registration are mandatory for participants. 

Visit the official webpage for details: https://mediterraneanschoolcomplex.net/ 

Participation is in-person and limited to 50 attendants. Early applications will be appreciated.

Important dates

• Application deadline: 11 February 2024

• Notification of Acceptance: 18 February 2024

• Registration deadline (payment): 3 March 2024

• Help with accommodation reserved: 10 March 2024

• School: 30 June - 5 July 2024

The 2024 edition of NetSci-X will be hosted by Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy, from 22 to 25 January 2024.  This is a reminder of the abstract submission deadline on 15 October 2023.

NetSci-X is the winter conference of the Network Science Society, extending the popular NetSci conference series to provide an additional forum for a growing community of academics and practitioners working on networks. The conference fosters interdisciplinary communication and collaboration in network science research across computer and information sciences, physics, mathematics, statistics, the life sciences, neuroscience, environmental sciences, social sciences, finance and business, arts and design.

October 15, 2023: Submission deadline
November 15, 2023: Acceptance notification
November 30, 2023: Early bird registration
January 22, 2024: NetSciX school
January 23-25, 2024: NetSciX conference

HOW TO SUBIT: Please follow the instructions here: https://netscix2024.netscisociety.org/calls
More information is available at https://netscix2024.netscisociety.org/
For any question, please contact netscix2024@gmail.com

Anyone interested is welcome to attend and present a poster.

Registration is open. The Number of participants is yet limited. 

This is an interdisciplinary event with the purpose to trigger collaborations and discussions between experts in statistical mechanics and cosmology. The workshop, which is supported by both Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI) and INFN, will take place at GSSI in L'Aquila from Wednesday the 27th to the Friday the 29th of September

All information is available at the link above: the participation (in presence) to the event is free, nevertheless for organization reasons we recommend you to register with the form available at the conference website. The deadline for registration is August 27th. HERE you can download the flyer of the conference! 

Below here you can find the list of the conference topics (a lot of time will be free for discussions) and of the speakers (abstracts can be found on the website). All people from both communities are warmly encouraged to participate: we are trying to trigger new collaborations and develop research directions from the cross-fertilization and direct confrontation of ideas, techniques and open problems in statistical mechanics, cosmology and astrophysics. Please spread the information about "The Complexity of the Cosmos" with whoever you think might be interested! 

Scientific Organizing Committee: Giacomo Gradenigo, Andrea Maselli, Sabino Matarrese

Local Organizing Committee: Andrea Cozzumbo, Martina Giachello, Giacomo Gradenigo, Andrea Maselli, Tommaso Tonolo


Daniele Bertacca (University of Padova)

Luca Biferale (University of Tor Vergata, Rome)

Job Feldbrugge (University of Edinburgh)

Pierfrancesco Di Cintio (CNR-ISC, Florence)

Gianmaria Falasco (University of Padova)

Martina Giachello (Gran Sasso Science Institute, L'Aquila)

Raul Jimenez (University of Barcelona)

Roberto Livi (University of Florence & IMT Lucca)

Christian Maes (KU Leuven)

Massimo Pietroni (University of Parma)

Angelo Ricciardone (University of Pisa)

Antonio Ponno (University of Padova)

Luca Salasnich (University of Padova)

Cora Uhlemann (Newcastle University)


- Multiscale problems, turbulence and non-equilibrium statistical mechanics.

- Quantum to classical transition: Non-Linear Schrodinger Equation and other effective models.

- Thermalization/classicalization of strongly interacting many-body quantum systems.

- Non-perturbative methods for strongly nonlinear and/or general relativistic problems in cosmology.

- Relaxational dynamics and ensemble inequivalence for systems with long-range interactions.

- Imaginary time path-integral approach to quantum fluctuations in cosmological and astrophysical problems.


A common phenomenon in the dynamics of out of equilibrium systems is the metastability, and the problem of the lifetime of metastable states involves fundamental aspects of nonequilibrium statistical mechanics. In spite of such ubiquity, the microscopic understanding of metastability and related out of equilibrium dynamics still raise fundamental questions. Stochastic many-body systems, classical and quantum, often display a complex and slow relaxation towards a stationary state. This nonlinear relaxation process in multistable systems is crucial for understanding the transient dynamics in complex physical and biological systems.

This Workshop will bring together leading experts and research groups with significant contribution to the contemporary state-of-the-art of nonequilibrium classical and quantum systems, working towards the development of new quantum technologies. Moreover, aim of this meeting is to bring together scientists interested to the challenging problems connected with the dynamics of nonequilibrium multistablesystems from both theoretical and experimental point of view, within an interdisciplinary context. The conference will be a discussion forum to promote new ideas in this fertile field of research, and in particular new trends such as out-of-equilibrium systems, high-Tc superconductivity, quantum phase transitions, topological phase transitions, quantum metrology, machine learning and quantum algorithms for complex systems.

Plenary session led by Nobel laureate John Michael Kosterlitz. Conference-related special issue in Chaos, Solitons & Fractals.

More details: https://nes2023.sciencesconf.org/

From Bernardo Spagnolo: bernardo.spagnolo@unipa.it; nes2023.erice@gmail.com

La prossima Conferenza Nazionale della Complex System Society-Italy si terrà a Napoli il 9-11/10/2023.  

Le informazioni per la partecipazione e la sottomissione di abstract e talks si trovano al link: https://italy.cssociety.org/index.php/2023/05/23/ccs-italy-conference-2023/ 

The traditional Boltzmann Lecture will be held on Tuesday, February 20th, at 4 pm.
The seminar can be attended online: https://sissa-it.zoom.us/j/83937358614?pwd=a0MwMS9DSUpycXc2Vmo5OEZ6dVVZZz09 

Speaker: Francesca Ferlaino (Institute for Experimental Physics, Universität Innsbruck, Austria & Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI), Austrian Academy of Science)

Title: Dipolar interactions

Abstract: Quantum physics frequently gives rise to conceptual paradoxes that seem elusive to our classical intuition.  In many-body quantum systems, interactions are key, especially when they dominate over kinetic energy. Their form and strength crucially define the existing strongly-correlated quantum phases of matter and dictate phenomena beyond the classical regime. Dipolar interactions, effective e.g. when atoms are strongly magnetic, are fundamentally distinct from the typical van der Waals interactions in neutral atoms.  Their orientation-dependence and non-locality enable the emergence of novel phase of matter, from ultra-dilute quantum droplets to supersolid and crystalline phases in which gaseous atoms self-organize in space to produce ordered density wave with energy cost approaching zero. In this talk, we aim to retrace the new phenomena, which have been observed with quantum degenerate gases of erbium and dysprosium atoms from the perspective of the Innsbruck experiments.

This workshop is part of a series of workshops whose first edition was in 1988.

The goal is to promote the cross fertilization of ideas coming from Statistical Mechanics, non perturbative Field Theory and other areas of theoretical physics. 

A particular emphasis will be devoted to present results and challenges in computational theoretical physics using HPC (High Performance Computing) and new quantum algorithms.

Link: https://www.ba.infn.it/smft2022

This is a series of 14 seminars, each one dedicated to one among the most influential papers of Giorgio Parisi, with topics spanning from statistical mechanics to quantum field theory and particle physics. The series is conceived to trigger curiosity and the seminars will have a strong interdisciplinary character. Attendance of young people is warmly encouraged.

Talks will take place in the Physics Department of "Sapienza", University of Rome, across the whole 2022/2023 academic year. All details on the schedule can be found in the dedicated webpage https://l.infn.it/parisi, including the zoom link for remote attendance (a link to a form for receiving announcements of upcoming talks in the series is also present).

Opening seminar: Marc Mezard6th October 2022 at 2.30pm
"Infinite number of order parameters for spin-glasses"

Organizing Committee

Maria Chiara Angelini (Sapienza), Marco Bonvini (INFN), Giacomo Gradenigo (GSSI)

Scientific Committee

Roberto Aloisio (GSSI), Antonio Davide Polosa (Sapienza), Federico Ricci-Tersenghi (Sapienza)

We would like to bring to your attention the conference "The Many Facets of Statistical Field Theory", to be held in SISSA - Trieste in October, from 17th to 19th 2022.

The conference will focus on Statistical Field Theory, Statistical Physics and their interdisciplinary applications and will be held in hybrid format, both in presence at SISSA and remotely.

The program of the conference and further information can be found on the website https://sites.google.com/view/the-many-facets-of-sft .

Those interested in participating are asked to contact the organizers at the email address facetsofsft@gmail.com .

The Organizing Committee 

In 1872 Ludwig Boltzmann published one of his most important papers, which contained two celebrated results nowadays known as the Boltzmann equation and the H-theorem. We wish to celebrate the 150 years after this publication, by conveying in a 2-days conference worldwide experts of the field from both mathematics and physics. Invited speakers are: Bruce Boghosian (Tufts University), Giovanni Gallavotti (Sapienza Università di Roma), Maria Groppi (Università di Parma), Silvia Lorenzani (Politecnico di Milano), Umberto Marini Bettolo Marconi (Università di Camerino), Thorsten Poeschel (Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg), Antonio Prados (Universidad de Sevilla), Mario Pulvirenti (Sapienza Università di Roma), Giuseppe Toscani (Università di Pavia).  Registration is free but mandatory, see the website.

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/boltzmannequation2022

IYBSSD è stato promosso dall’Unione Internazionale di Fisica Pura e Applicata (IUPAP), che celebra il suo centesimo anniversario proprio nel 2022, ed è organizzato sotto gli auspici dell'UNESCO.


Il programma è pubblicato alla pagina https://www.sif.it/corsi/passionforscience2022

Per partecipare è sufficiente inviare la registration form compilata (scaricabile dalla pagina sopra citata) all'indirizzo sif@sif.it entro il 5 giugno.

DCP22 è un workshop interdisciplinare su tematiche di dinamica nonlineare, meccanica statistica e complessità in diversi ambiti scientifici: fisica, matematica biologia, fisiologia ecc...). Sarà possibile seguire i lavori del workshop sia in presenza che in streaming.

Ci saranno 48 relatori internazionali e una sessione poster che ospiterà i contributi selezionati. Inoltre al miglior poster, designato da una apposita commissione, verrà elargito un premio finanziato dalla rivista “Chaos Solitons and Fractals" della Elsevier Publishing Inc. Le iscrizioni verranno aperte a breve.

Il link della pagina web di DCP22 è il seguente: https://www.cissc.unipi.it/DCP/DCP22 

A meeting on "Coarse-grained description for non-equilibrium systems and transport phenomena” will be held in Rome, at the central building of the CNR (in front of the Sapienza University campus), from 4th to 6th of July 2022. The conference - which is organised by CNR, Camerino University, Firenze University, Sapienza, Sissa and Vanvitelli University, will include talks on several topics of statistical mechanics, particularly non-equilibrium, with a more general first day, a second day focused on active and granular matter, and a third day to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Boltzmann equation. At the website https://sites.google.com/view/coarsegrained2022  the list of speakers and other information are already available. The conference is in presence (but streaming will also be available) and there is no participation fee. However we ask all people who intend to participate to fill the registration form available on the website. 

L’Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze detta dei XL festeggia il socio Giorgio Parisi, Premio Nobel per la Fisica (2021) con un Workshop “Complex Systems: from Physics to Biomedicine” che si svolgerà il 10 maggio p.v. presso il Teatro di Villa Torlonia a Roma, gentilmente concesso in uso dalla Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai beni Culturali. 

La necessità di sviluppare nuovi approcci per indagare la complessità dei sistemi naturali e artificiali è uno dei maggiori temi di indagine del tempo presente anche per fronteggiare urgenze sociali e sfide economiche. Per una miglior comprensione della complessità biologica, è necessaria una forte integrazione delle scienze della vita e delle scienze computazionali. L’obiettivo è scoprire i modelli che governano processi fisiologici o patologici complessi. 

Durante la sessione pomeridiana ricercatori interessati potranno presentare comunicazioni brevi.
In allegato la locandina dell'evento, contenente la call for abstracts, le modalità di sottomissione dei contributi e le modalità di partecipazione e registrazione.

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wJdsNXa8EOhoPbWVh4qQz3p5LTFT3rCz/view?usp=sharing
Deadline: 31 Marzo 2022

The 2022 edition of the traditional Boltzmann lecture will take place online on 21 February at 3pm. Professor Subir Sachdev from Harvard University will hold a lectio entitled “Statistical mechanics of metals without quasiparticles, and of charged black holes”

Abstract: The very successful theory of metals is based upon a Boltzmann equation for electronic quasiparticles. But the “strange metals” found in high temperature superconductors do not have well-defined quasiparticle excitations, which raises the problem of a theory of electrical transport in such metals. In their quantum theory of charged black holes, Gibbons and Hawking applied the Boltzmann-Gibbs ensemble to the Einstein-Maxwell theory, and obtained results for black hole entropy which did not have an evident interpretation in terms of the eigenstates of a quantum Hamiltonian. I will describe progress in resolving these long-standing problems in very different fields of physics using insights from the solvable Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model of fermions with random interactions.

Link: https://www.sissa.it/news/boltzmann-lecture-2022-statistical-mechanics-metals-without-quasiparticles-and-charged-black

The Statistical Physics of Deep Learning Lake Como School of Adavanced Studies take place in Como, Italy, from June 13th to June 17th 2022.

The school is designed to give an overview of the statistical-mechanical principles underlying deep learning.
The school is aimed primarily at the growing audience of early-stage researchers (graduate students, advanced master students and postdocs) interested in fundamental aspects of machine learning, beyond a simple black-box approach. Our lectures will provide a critical introduction to deep neural network rooted in a statistical physics perspective. It will expose the participants to applications to a wide range of problems, mainly of physical nature.

Link: https://spdl.lakecomoschool.org/

Application deadline: 15 April 2022

Organizing Committee: Francesco Ginelli (Universita’ dell’Insubria, Como, Italy), Marco Gherardi (Universita’ di Milano, Italy), Guido Tiana (Universita’ di Milano, Italy), Alessandro Laio (SISSA, Trieste, Italy)

The AI&Physics track at the Applied Machine Learning Days 2022 is looking for contributed talks and posters!

Machine Learning and Physics share a long and rich history that led to major developments in both sides. The goal of the AI&Physics track is to keep this synergy going, and to provide a space where researchers from both sides can meet and exchange ideas. We will have the pleasure to hear high-profile invited speakers that will delve into the interplay between AI and Physics, as well as contributed talks and posters. If you think your work fits in, please apply to contribute to our track!

The AI&Physics track will be held in person at the SwissTech Convention Center, EPFL, Lausanne, on the afternoon of March 28th, 2022. We are accepting applications for 15 minute talks and for posters. If you want to apply, follow the link!

Application deadline: Feb 4, 2022.


From 2022 the Mediterranean School of Complex Networks and the International School of Informatics and Dynamics in Complex Networks have joined their forces into a single event. Given the success of the past editions (2014-2015-2016-2017-2018-2019) of the Mediterranean School of Complex Networks, we call for applications to the 7th Edition in 2022. If you are curious about the past editions, you can find more information in the new "From the School" section of the Journal of Complex Networks: https://doi.org/10.1093/comnet/cny035.

The school will take place in Salina, a small island in the north of Sicily (Italy), on 25 Jun - 02 July 2022.

Registration is mandatory for participants, both in-person and online attendance are allowed: for more information visit the website. 

This year, we will grant two scholarships, sponsored by the Complex Systems Society, that will cover the School fee only. 

The MDPI journal “Condensed Matter” will sponsor the prizes. 


Date: 25 Jun - 02 July 2022

Link: https://mediterraneanschoolcomplex.net/

Short video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dR1apC8-HZY

Twitter: @MscxNetworks (hashtag #mscx22)

Local Organizing Committee: Serafina Agnello, Riccardo Gallotti  (FBK)

Board of Directors: Alex Arenas (URV), Vincenza Carchiolo (UniCT) [Organizer for 2022], Manlio De Domenico (UniPD) [Organizer for 2022], Mattia Frasca (UniCT), Giuseppe Mangioni (UniCT)


Early registration deadline (no payment needed at this stage): 15 March 2022

Notification of Acceptance: 01 April 2022

Registration deadline (payment needed): 01 May 2022


The 47th Conference of the Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics - MECO47 will take place in Erice, Italy, from June 12th to June 16th 2022 in hybrid format. 

You may choose to participate in person or remotely, indicating your preference on the pre-registration form. The pre-registration and abstract submission phase is now open and you can find the instructions here: https://meco47.sciencesconf.org/

MECO47 in Erice will last 3 full days, with a total of 8 invited talks and ca. 20 contributed talks. A poster session will also be organized. Though keynote speakers are invited to provide an overview on a selection of topics, proposals for contributed talks and posters in all subfields of Statistical Physics are warmly encouraged.

More information: https://meco47.sciencesconf.org/

Deadline for pre-registration and abstract submission: 7th February 2022

Notification of acceptance: 20th February 2022

Deadline for fee payment: 12th March 2022: 

Contact: meco47erice@gmail.com

Local organizing committee: Pierpaolo Vivo and Gabriele Sicuro (King’s College London), Silvia Bartolucci (University College London), Laura Foini (CNRS IPhT Université Paris-Saclay). 

We are pleased to announce a series of online lectures on classical and quantum nonequilibrium thermodynamics from 17th to 28th of January. There will be two lectures each day, starting at 11:00 and at 12:00 (CET). Everyone can follow the upcoming live streams and the recorded videos at the ICTS YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/ICTStalks. Please contact me directly by email if you would prefer to follow the lectures through ZOOM.

This substitutes the scientific program that we initially planned at the ICTS in 2020. For more information about the workshop and the schedule of the lectures, please visit the program webpage https://www.icts.res.in/program/CTQP2022

Contact: Carlos.mejia@upm.es

Data: 13-15 Sept 2021

Link: https://www.sr40.org

In 2021 it is forty years after the appearance of the first paper on Stochastic Resonance. Since then, thousands of papers (WOS: 6,968 records, Google Scholar: approx. 40,500 results) have been published on this topic and Stochastic Resonance is nowadays a popular science paradigm and a widespread research subject.

We would like to take the opportunity offered by this anniversary, not only for celebrating this important discovery, with the scientists that mostly contributed over the years to such a great result, starting from Prof. Giorgio Parisi (Chair of the conference), his co-workers, and the many scientists that pioneered this subject, but

also to celebrate the science of noise that the Stochastic Resonance phenomenon largely contributed to disseminate.

SR40 is an international conference that has the ambition to be devoted to all phenomena associated with noise, in general and to Stochastic Resonance, in particular. In fact, SR40 aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Noise and Fluctuations, providing a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical applications.

Topics to be discussed at SR40 includes: 

SR-related (non-exclusive list):

SR modelling in classical and quantum realm

SR applied to devices

SR in biological and neural systems

SR in economics and econophysics

SR in signal analysis

SR in natural phenomena


The science of noise (non-exclusive list):

Noise in nonlinear dynamical systems

Noise in Energy Harvesting

Noise in Epidemics modelling

Noise in Artificial Intelligence

Noise in structural monitoring

Noise in biological systems
Noise in neural systems


Data: 22-24 Settembre 2021

Link: https://indico.gssi.it/event/93/ 

The conference aims at bringing together theoreticians and experimentalists working in various domains of Statistical Physics and Condensed Matter.

More info and registration: https://meco46.sciencesconf.org/

Info about the MECO conference series: https://sites.google.com/site/mecoconferencephysics/home

Abstract submission deadline: April 12, 2021

Data: 5-12 Settembre 2020

Link: http://mediterraneanschoolcomplex.net/ 

Data: Settembre 2020

Link: https://netsci2020.netscisociety.net/ 

Data: 22 Giugno - 3 Luglio 2020

Link: https://stimulateworkshop2020.wordpress.com/ 

Data: 5-8 Febbraio 2020

Link: http://www0.mi.infn.it/~tiana/bressanone-20/Welcome.html 

Data: 11 - 13 Dicembre 2019

Link: http://www.ba.infn.it/smft2019

Data: 5-7 Dicembre 2019

Link: https://www2.physik.uni-bielefeld.de/brunel-bielefeld-workshop2019.html 

Data: 25-27 Novembre 2019

Link: https://sites.google.com/view/modellilincei2019/ 

Data: 12-13 Novembre 2019

Link: https://www.sissa.it/calendar-event/artificial-intelligence-art-or-science