Italian Statistical Physics Society
The Italian Statistical Physics Society (SIFS) was born on May 20, 2019 in Florence. The founding members were:
Raffaella Burioni (Università di Parma)
Guido Caldarelli (IMT, Scuola Alti Studi di Lucca)
Sergio Caracciolo (Università di Milano)
Lucilla de Arcangelis (Università della Campania)
Roberto Livi (Università di Firenze)
Vincenzo Marinari (Università La Sapienza, Roma)
Paolo Politi (ISC, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche)
Flavio Seno (Università di Padova)
The present executive board (2019-2022) is composed by the following persons:
Raffaella Burioni (Università di Parma): Vice president
Guido Caldarelli (Università di Venezia): Component
Sergio Caracciolo (Università di Milano): Secretary
Andrea Gambassi (SISSA, Trieste): Component
Roberto Livi (Università di Firenze): President
Vittorio Loreto (Università La Sapienza, Roma): Component
Rosario Mantegna (Università di Palermo): Component
Vincenzo Marinari (Università La Sapienza, Roma): Component
Paolo Politi (ISC, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche): Treasurer
From SIFS Statute, Art. 3:
The Italian Statistical Physics Society:
i) promotes scientific exchanges among italian scientists working in Statistical Physics;
ii) organizes Ph.D and postdoctoral schools as well as national and international conferences;
iii) favours the relationship between the italian and the international communities of Statistical Physics;
iv) establishes prizes for young and senior researchers in Statistical Physics;
v) supports the participation of SIFS memebrs to national and international calls;
vi) promotes the dissemination of any topic of interest for SIFS;
vii) promotes the participation to public debates on any area of interest for SIFS;
viii) collaborates with public and private bodies having similar areas of interest.
For any additional information please refer to the italian pages of this web site.