Italian Statistical Physics Society

The Italian Statistical Physics Society (SIFS) was born on May 20, 2019 in Florence. The founding members were:

  • Raffaella Burioni (Università di Parma)

  • Guido Caldarelli (IMT, Scuola Alti Studi di Lucca)

  • Sergio Caracciolo (Università di Milano)

  • Lucilla de Arcangelis (Università della Campania)

  • Roberto Livi (Università di Firenze)

  • Vincenzo Marinari (Università La Sapienza, Roma)

  • Paolo Politi (ISC, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche)

  • Flavio Seno (Università di Padova)

The present executive board (2019-2022) is composed by the following persons:

  • Raffaella Burioni (Università di Parma): Vice president

  • Guido Caldarelli (Università di Venezia): Component

  • Sergio Caracciolo (Università di Milano): Secretary

  • Andrea Gambassi (SISSA, Trieste): Component

  • Roberto Livi (Università di Firenze): President

  • Vittorio Loreto (Università La Sapienza, Roma): Component

  • Rosario Mantegna (Università di Palermo): Component

  • Vincenzo Marinari (Università La Sapienza, Roma): Component

  • Paolo Politi (ISC, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche): Treasurer

From SIFS Statute, Art. 3:

The Italian Statistical Physics Society:

i) promotes scientific exchanges among italian scientists working in Statistical Physics;

ii) organizes Ph.D and postdoctoral schools as well as national and international conferences;

iii) favours the relationship between the italian and the international communities of Statistical Physics;

iv) establishes prizes for young and senior researchers in Statistical Physics;

v) supports the participation of SIFS memebrs to national and international calls;

vi) promotes the dissemination of any topic of interest for SIFS;

vii) promotes the participation to public debates on any area of interest for SIFS;

viii) collaborates with public and private bodies having similar areas of interest.

For any additional information please refer to the italian pages of this web site.